Tender Digitality

Collection of Texts and Other Artefacts

Tender Digitality introduces an aesthetically oriented concept that intertwines binary systems in a complex manner. The concept, which is developed at the Zurich University of the Arts, responds to the human desire for sensuality, interpersonal connection, intuition, and well-being in digital environments. It explores ways to (re)transmit these experiences into the analog world of a book, developing its own distinct vocabularies. Readers are guided through the various perspectives of this kaleidoscope, encouraging them to delve into different play-forms of “tender digitality” and develop their own approach.

Publisher: Slanted Publishers
Editor: Charlotte Axelsson
Authors: Charlotte Axelsson, Oliver Bendel, Dana Blume, Marisa Burn, Alexander Damianisch, Léa Ermuth, Hannah Eßler, Barbara Getto, Leoni Hof, Marcial Koch, Mela Kocher, Friederike Lampert, Gunter Lösel, Francis Müller, Marie-France Rafael, Oliver Ruf, Sascha Schneider, Grit Wolany

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Slanted Publishers
Editor, Designer, Publisher Karlsruhe, Germany