Allsteel Seating Concept - Working with a prototype seating mechanism, this concept moves pivoting to natural hip pivoting points. The knee tilt mechanism allows for a smoother ride, providing more comfort and ease of adjustment to the user.
Allsteel Seating - Concept Generation
Allsteel Seating - Concept Refinement
Teknion Mobile Meeting Seating Concept
Sidechair Seating Concept
Sidechair Seating Concept
Sidechair Seating Concept
Contract & Hospitality Seating

hese concepts encapsule a sample of my range as an industrial designer. Their focus ranges from task to lounge seating, office to residential, but each has its own specific constraints derived from research, manufacturing, engineering and function.

Freelance, Full-time
Steven Krause
Freelance Industrial Designer Atlanta, GA