roland - those are ornamental prongs, the stone is supposed to be set in... agh I don't know the right word in English...
black dahlia murder
black dahlia murder 2
red dawn
liquid star
red dawn 2
A CLOSED VALID POLYSURFACE - YEEEEEHAAAA - with properly filleted edges to 0.5 on all details except for the outside but that will be ok
evil eye cufflink - cufflink sample for hopeful job, need to polish it up and do the rendering in Windows cause Wenatchee ain't up to it yet methinks....
cheesy bling
roma lantern - I based this on a lantern I saw outside the old Rome synagogue on the Tiber, where I studied Rhino with the Maestro, Giuseppe Massoni. It is totally ready to print (though the scrolls on top had to be modified).