The circuitry for the tape counter.
The circuitry in place.
Cassette with circuitry and battery in place.
another view of the cassette with the circuitry and battery in place.
The circuitry in place viewed through a transparent cover.
The actual device in place and of course it worked. Too bad VHS tape has gone the way of the dinosaur. You can't do this with a DVD.......yet.
Assembled VHS cassette and counter.
Assembled VHS cassette and counter.
CID, Video Tape Counter

I was contracted through my electrical engineering com-padre to develop a method to tell if a VCR tape was viewed to the end. It seems that a college professor friend of his assigned his student to view the tape. He need a method by which to tell if they watched it in it's entirety. This is the results of that exercise.

Stephen J. Cole
Mechanical Engineer, Phoenix Design & Analysis Services LLC White Plains, NY