A rendering of a radial engine that I drew to show off my modeling skills. It was developed in Autodesk Mechanical Desktop when wire-frames were the only graphics available in 3D CAD. It was rendered using an application called Accurender. I have a fascination with bi-planes and radial engines so I doodled around with these models.
More radial engine views.
More radial engine views.
Radial engine cylinder. The cylinders were modeled after the cylinders from the Harley Davidson Evolution engine.
Close-up of a cylinder head.
A cylinder head detail.
Another cylinder head detail.
And yet another view of the cylinder head.
An engine view with the cylinder cross-sectioned.
CID, Marketing, Radial Engine

I had my own design consulting firm for a time. These illustrations were part of a marketing campaign that I was undertaking to promote my business.

Stephen J. Cole
Mechanical Engineer, Phoenix Design & Analysis Services LLC White Plains, NY