Ice Kite

I tried to adapt their bright, slippery and fluid surfaces to this design, inspired by the sea creatures after the owner said I want him to belong to the sea. I aimed to create an architecture based on glass to connect large areas outside inside and to obtain more spacious areas inside. In addition, the boat owner, who was affected by shark gills, wanted to see it on the boat in some way, allowing me to add a different dimension to my work. Instead of using the shark gills like a standard stain, I made a special work to make the upper building the main element of the body and form part of the glass architecture. This upper building contains the gills of a sea creature and its fluid surface. At the same time, I did a very careful work so that it could stay below 500GT and this would not affect the design. Ice Kite, designed together with the Red team, while I was working @redyachtdesign as the chief exterior designer.

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Serdar Sisman
Industrial Design, Creative Director İstanbul, Turkey