Emphasis, 2014. Color levels: +33, -8, -15 Saturation: +73 Lightness: -12
Balance, 2014. Vibrance: +26 Saturation: +12
Unity, 2014. Black and white - tint
Contrast, 2014. High Contrast Blue Filter.
Movement, 2014. Color levels: +46, -7, -23 Saturation: 56 Lightness: +29
Pattern, 2014. Color Levels - +27, -16, -25 Lightness - -13 Saturation - 86
Size, 2014. Maximum White.
Elements: 1. Texture - you can see the stitches in the picture 2. Color - there are varying colors throughout the picture Principles: 1. Pattern - the swirling of the lines and colors creates a pattern on the bag 2. Balance - if you cut the picture in half there is an equal amount of colors on both sides
Principles of Design

1. Emphasis - refers to developing points of interest to pull the viewers attention
2. Balance - sense of stability in the body of work
3. Unity - seen when all parts equal a whole
4. Contrast - refers to opposites and differences in the work
5. Movement - adds excitement to your work by showing action
6. Rhythm - occurs over and over again
7. Size - shows the scale of an image

Kaleigh Sisco
Professional Students Jackson, NJ