Nomads - Fact: Robots are superb baby sitters.
Encounter - An experiment gone wrong? A victim of a crime? Or the perpetrator?
Death Despair Sin - The most I've spent on a poster so far. Hope you like it!
Soul Samurai - This piece by far was the most time consuming. Lots of revision in this one. I do enjoy the way it came out though.
Hipster Girl - This was inspired after I saw a girl on the highway with the same getup, and graffiti covered car. Thank you muse, wherever you are now.
Grenade Girl - A semi robotic girl and 3 fairly menacing robots... y'know in case you couldn't figure that out yourself.
Blood And Steel - She survived, just barley though.
Mask Girl - Clean up on aisle... everywhere.
Broken Throne - Hey mister, you've got a little something on your suit... Oh. You're just missing your heart.
Junkyard Sentry - A scholarship illustration from a few months back. My first ever fully inked picture I've done.
Soul Samurai Girl Prints - Oh... Pretty colors. If you can't tell it's printed on heavyweight glossy paper.
SIR - My logo, and a fellow very near and dear to my heart. His smile just warms the deepest part of my soul.
Call To Arms - First colored picture! Modeled after romantic paintings.
Star Gal - STAR GAL~ This is a love letter of sorts to cheesy anime heroines. I'm going to try to leave anime for a while, so this was me just indulging myself. Practicing anatomy, thanks you so much for people who commented/critiqued me along the way! If you prefer Star Gal without background: