functional prototypes_ - HOLZ3 [flyers and posters] Conception / production for the Hochschule für Kunst und design Halle (Germany). Screenprinting on wood and paper. TORI [letter opener] Cuts of polypropylene (folded body) and polycarbonate (blade) fixed by a aluminium eyelet. Was produce and sold successfully. *Receive a development scholarship from the IDM. 33R [clock] Reuse parts of an existing turn-table without reprocessing; reducing waste through sustainable product design.
kiosk and exhibition_ - SIDIM Student realizations are juxtaposed on a horizontal plan of plywood which is gradually transformed into a vertical plan, demonstrating the interrelation between both disciplines. *Earn a certificate of excellence (2nd price) at the 12th SIDIM exhibition. PROMO 4.0 10 designers are invited to invest the subway of Montreal to realize work in situ. The fruit of their imagination is displayed trough the use of suspended model and light projection on translucent plastic screen.
technical drawings_ - NURA [gaz lamp] The two shown pages are extract of a document wich includes 19.
sketches_ - Some concepts of lamp.
student projects
Simon Lemèle
Senior Project Manager + Designer Montréal, Canada