Силиконовая резина

It is a durable material tehplastiny lifetime depends on the working temperature of equipment - 10 years and 1 month or more hours.

The performance characteristics of silicones lead to a high demand for this material in different sectors and regions.

Silicone rubber lights up with a great effort, during combustion emits silica which still bears the name of the white carbon.

Silicon produced thick plate of 1 mm to 30 mm. Silicone rubber sheet can also be made in sheets, the thickness of which ranges up to 1 mm and in a wide range of colors.

Operating temperature of heat-resistant rubber to + 280 ° C. Cold hardiness -50 ° C.

Tehplastina silicone roll is often used as a membrane or rubber high vacuum.

To seal the doors, silicone sealing compounds are used.

Detailed technical and operational characteristics are shown in the goods, or on the website

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Резинотехнические изделия, силиконовые уплотнители Рівне, Ukraine