Client: RAMADA Group of Hotels and Conventional Center, Powai, Mumbai A Hotel Menu App specially designed to run on tablets where people could directly order their food items in the restaurants - hence reducing the repeated printing of menu cards on update in the menu. Tablet App - Currently Running in Ramada Group of Hotels in Powai, Mumbai Screenshot 1
Client: RAMADA Group of Hotels and Conventional Center, Powai, Mumbai A Hotel Menu App specially designed to run on tablets where people could directly order their food items in the restaurants - hence reducing the repeated printing of menu cards on update in the menu. Tablet App - Currently Running in Ramada Group of Hotels in Powai, Mumbai Screenshot 2
Client: RAMADA Group of Hotels and Conventional Center, Powai, Mumbai A Hotel Menu App specially designed to run on tablets where people could directly order their food items in the restaurants - hence reducing the repeated printing of menu cards on update in the menu. Tablet App - Currently Running in Ramada Group of Hotels in Powai, Mumbai Screenshot 3
Client: RAMADA Group of Hotels and Conventional Center, Powai, Mumbai A Hotel Menu App specially designed to run on tablets where people could directly order their food items in the restaurants - hence reducing the repeated printing of menu cards on update in the menu. Tablet App - Currently Running in Ramada Group of Hotels in Powai, Mumbai Screenshot 4
Client: HDFC Bank, Mumbai. This is an Employee Communication - Mobile Application specifically designed for HDFC bank employees and managers to improve the communication process between them. Over a study of conventional methods, behaviour and means carried out in the bank, we devised a solution for delivering real time orders, news and updates to the employees by the managers while working in the offices. This application is in process of generalisation for other corporate houses for internal employee communication and data transfer, in collaboration with Bombil Media, Mumbai. Screen 1
Client: HDFC Bank, Mumbai. This is an Employee Communication - Mobile Application specifically designed for HDFC bank employees and managers to improve the communication process between them. Over a study of conventional methods, behaviour and means carried out in the bank, we devised a solution for delivering real time orders, news and updates to the employees by the managers while working in the offices. This application is in process of generalisation for other corporate houses for internal employee communication and data transfer, in collaboration with Bombil Media, Mumbai. Screen 2
You Relate - A mobile application for kids. Guide: Asst. Professor Keyur Sorathia, IIT Guwahati. Through this application we aim at providing young kids with practical knowledge and instil social mannerism. Smartphones being widely used among the Indian residents, would perfectly serve as the platform to reach a large volume of kids. Following a series of interaction design methodology, we came up with our application design. Screenshots - 1
You Relate - A mobile application for kids. Guide: Asst. Professor Keyur Sorathia, IIT Guwahati. Through this application we aim at providing young kids with practical knowledge and instil social mannerism. Smartphones being widely used among the Indian residents, would perfectly serve as the platform to reach a large volume of kids. Following a series of interaction design methodology, we came up with our application design. Screenshots - 2
This is a screenshot of a fully functional game submitted for the Samsung Smart TV Challenge organized by Samsung India Software Center. This is a game build on Java Script which is an advanced level of the game we loved so much in younger days - Mario. We named it Pintu vs Chintu and is under scanner of the judging panel. Screen 1
This is a screenshot of a fully functional game submitted for the Samsung Smart TV Challenge organized by Samsung India Software Center. This is a game build on Java Script which is an advanced level of the game we loved so much in younger days - Mario. We named it Pintu vs Chintu and is under scanner of the judging panel. Screen 2 - Levels
This is a screenshot of a fully functional game submitted for the Samsung Smart TV Challenge organized by Samsung India Software Center. This is a game build on Java Script which is an advanced level of the game we loved so much in younger days - Mario. We named it Pintu vs Chintu and is under scanner of the judging panel. Screen 3 - Instructions
This is a screenshot of a fully functional game submitted for the Samsung Smart TV Challenge organized by Samsung India Software Center. This is a game build on Java Script which is an advanced level of the game we loved so much in younger days - Mario. We named it Pintu vs Chintu and is under scanner of the judging panel. Screen 4 - Level 1
This is a screenshot of a fully functional game submitted for the Samsung Smart TV Challenge organized by Samsung India Software Center. This is a game build on Java Script which is an advanced level of the game we loved so much in younger days - Mario. We named it Pintu vs Chintu and is under scanner of the judging panel. Screen 5 - Level 2
This is a screenshot of a fully functional game submitted for the Samsung Smart TV Challenge organized by Samsung India Software Center. This is a game build on Java Script which is an advanced level of the game we loved so much in younger days - Mario. We named it Pintu vs Chintu and is under scanner of the judging panel. Screen 6 - Level 3
Website Architecture and Design: Show and - The entire architecture and navigation modeling, followed by visuals was built for a startup. The website was an interactive platform where events could be promoted, and sponsorships could be granted.
Client: TripEngineers, Guwahati Website Designed for a Start-up in Guwahati that focuses on Student Travel and Social Groups' Travel Planning. Webpage Design - Screen Shots Website -
Company: Bombil Media - As a part of Bombil Media, I developed a Desktop Application which is based on risk calculation for "Coronary Heart Disease" & "Stroke Risk" applicable only for patients having Type 2 Diabetes to be used in hospitals by Doctors from now on. Hence, adapting advanced technologies for enhanced and accurate treatments . Splash Screen
Company: Bombil Media - As a part of Bombil Media, I developed a Desktop Application which is based on risk calculation for "Coronary Heart Disease" & "Stroke Risk" applicable only for patients having Type 2 Diabetes to be used in hospitals by Doctors from now on. Hence, adapting advanced technologies for enhanced and accurate treatments . Screen 1
Company: Bombil Media - As a part of Bombil Media, I developed a Desktop Application which is based on risk calculation for "Coronary Heart Disease" & "Stroke Risk" applicable only for patients having Type 2 Diabetes to be used in hospitals by Doctors from now on. Hence, adapting advanced technologies for enhanced and accurate treatments . Screen 2
Thrash Box - An application for IIT Guwahati Community. Guide: Asst. Professor Manoj Majhi, IIT Guwahati. Through this application we aim at relieving stress and related consequences through tutorials in various forms, games and shout box. Following a series of interaction design methodologies, we came up with our application design, we designed this for the IIT Guwahati intranet portal.
Gaming Screen - Thrash Box - An application for IIT Guwahati Community. Guide: Asst. Professor Manoj Majhi, IIT Guwahati. Through this application we aim at relieving stress and related consequences through tutorials in various forms, games and shout box. Following a series of interaction design methodologies, we came up with our application design, we designed this for the IIT Guwahati intranet portal.
Video Screen - Thrash Box - An application for IIT Guwahati Community. Guide: Asst. Professor Manoj Majhi, IIT Guwahati. Through this application we aim at relieving stress and related consequences through tutorials in various forms, games and shout box. Following a series of interaction design methodologies, we came up with our application design, we designed this for the IIT Guwahati intranet portal.
Shout Box Screen - Thrash Box - An application for IIT Guwahati Community. Guide: Asst. Professor Manoj Majhi, IIT Guwahati. Through this application we aim at relieving stress and related consequences through tutorials in various forms, games and shout box. Following a series of interaction design methodologies, we came up with our application design, we designed this for the IIT Guwahati intranet portal.
Client: Teamitt, California Concept: Gamification Webpage design - the designs accepted by the company based in California wishing to redesign their existing website. The company works mainly on Gamification concept which required me to get accompanied with this rising concept and design something on the similar lines in order that user's mind gets struck straight-away by the concept for the website. Screenshot 1
The proposed website design for Bombil Media- An enterprise based in Mumbai that works in Mobile Marketing and Advertisements, making market strategies and a range of mobile application for its clients. Webpage design, Screen 1
The proposed website design for Bombil Media- An enterprise based in Mumbai that works in Mobile Marketing and Advertisements, making market strategies and a range of mobile application for its clients. Webpage design, Screen 1
We were given a 24-hour time period to develop a solution to a given HCI research problem. We had to demonstrate our solution in form of a video prototype or concept video, and document our process via a team blog. Link to Blog- A jury of international experts will select the top entries, which will be invited to present their entries at OzCHI 2012. OzCHI is Australia’s leading forum for work in all areas of Human-Computer Interaction and CHISIG’s ( annual non-profit conference. The OZCHI conference which will be held during 26 – 30th November 2012 in Melbourne, was preceded by a student design challenge. 62 teams from 10 countries participated.
We were given a 24-hour time period to develop a solution to a given HCI research problem. We had to demonstrate our solution in form of a video prototype or concept video, and document our process via a team blog. Link to Blog- A jury of international experts will select the top entries, which will be invited to present their entries at OzCHI 2012. OzCHI is Australia’s leading forum for work in all areas of Human-Computer Interaction and CHISIG’s ( annual non-profit conference. The OZCHI conference which will be held during 26 – 30th November 2012 in Melbourne, was preceded by a student design challenge. 62 teams from 10 countries participated.
Shubham Jain
Final Year Student, Department of Design, Indian Institute of... Guwahati, India