Modular Bamboo Cutlery
Modular Bamboo Cutlery
Interactive mechanism using the hollowness of bamboo
Interactive mechanism using the hollowness of bamboo
Interactive mechanism using the hollowness of bamboo
Interactive mechanism using the hollowness of bamboo
'Jugaad' for opening up bamboo with steam! Pressure cooker with some metal pipes to direct the steam.
'Jugaad' for opening up bamboo with steam! Pressure cooker with some metal pipes to direct the steam.
Pressing steamed bamboo
Bamboo opened up with steam.
Bamboo opened up with steam
Bamboo workshop

Bamboo workshop in collaboration with ECAL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Group members: Mathieu Rohrer, Upendra Verma
Guide: Mann Singh

Learning: Inherent properties of bamboo as a material. Explorations/experiments exploiting the same.