Stanchion-Footrest - Design solutions for the rear portion of the bus: A possible solution for the lack of available hand holds in peak hour is a stantion that forks into two parts. To solve the problem of dangling feet for children and shorter people riding the bus, the vertical stantion molds into a foot rest under the seat, without adding the clutter of additional parts.
Hand Grip Design - The front portion of the BRT is designed for more standing space. However the present hanging handholds do not provide stability as they are not rigid holds. This proposed hanging handhold is unique as it moves freely when not in use, but when a user pulls it downwards, it locks into place and becomes rigid, thereby giving standing passengers more stability.
Articulated portion ideas - The middle articulated portion of the BRT is a unique moving space that currently is occupied by seating, However, users find it hard to move through this space due to the squeezed corridor, the lack of stantions, and constant movement . My proposed solution is to remove seating, thus opening out the bottleneck, and provide sturdy stantions as well as provide shelves for large luggage and bags, a facility that is currently missing in CTA buses.
Bus Rapid Transit