Snowy Christmas - The concept of the display is to bring the cold and snowy ambience of Christmas to the audience. How many times have we watched the cartoon, when we were young, that we better be on our best behaviour because santa is watching? The santa's hat is to create the christmas mood of giving and yet, have a creepy feeling that santa is watching at a corner... White LEDs were also self-installed and shone from below, in this display, to create the cold ambience and a magical effect.
Alice in Recycled Land - Projects are done for Visual Merchandising Project 1. I have challenged myself by using recycled materials such as cardboards, newspaper and old magazines to create the display. Only the black jewellery display stand was a brought-in product.The objective is to promote the jewellery made from recycled paper. The concept is that the audience play a role as curious Alice and they are peeping through the keyhole and saw the Recycled Land.
Visual Merchandising
Teo Shimin
Singapore, Singapore