Counting abacus for kids made with seeds - Internship with Shradhanjali, Auroville, Tamil Nadu
Hanging mobile from seedpods and seeds
Hanging mobile
Belts and brooches
Brooches - Natural seeds and wooden stick
Jewellery with Elephant ear and Ashoka seeds
Earrings from a seedpod - These twirlies are a single form like pencil shavings found in different sizes
Earrings from seeds
Semi-cylinderical wall lamp with natural flowers and handmade paper - Internship with Shradhanjali, Auroville, Tamil Nadu
Cylinderical lampshade - Flowers and leaves on folded paper, shape inspired from a seedpod
Flat table lamp - The floral decoration comes alive with light
working with nature
Shifali Goyal Singhal
Interior and Product Designer Pune, India