During a BeautiControl Spa appointment the Consultant passes out this flyer, printed and laminated, to each guest attending for product orders.
This flyer represents the BeautiControl opportunity and membership options. The Consultant presents this flyer during a BeautiControl Spa appointment to use as a visual aid in promoting the membership opportunity.
When someone hosts a Spa appointment, they have an opportunity to get rewards. These two flyers display the possible rewards for the host/hostess.
This business card (the first side) is specifically for Spider Monkey's Apparel lines.
This business card (the second side) displays the contacts information and business position with Spider Monkey Embroidery & Design.
This business card (the second side) displays the contact information and business position for Chris.
This business card (the first side) is used as a standard card for Spider Monkey Embroidery & Design.
Business Materials

I was tasked with a project for Independent BeautiControl Consultants. They needed some flyers designed for Consultants to use at Spa events during their presentation.

Sheri Mathison
Freelance Graphic Designer Pendleton, OR