The illustrations speak about two ways of creating an ABW (activity based working environment) . The first and common way (the pic on the left) would be to integrate the working environment (work bench) with 3rd space (communal and interactive space) into the office's floor plate. These spaces are divided according to standardized ratio determined by the way each company function. However, some company faces the challenges of not having enough floor spaces to house these extra and increasing demand for 3rd spaces. Hence, an alternative way (the pic on the right) would be office workers (mainly mobile workers) establishing a strong bond with the surrounding independent 3rd space provider. An example of this provider in Singapore would be "The Hub". This proposal for Siemens Singapore is to create a to fully utilized their lobby space as 3rd space integrated into their office building.
The lobby no longer functions as a space for waiting and welcoming the guest. In addition to those, it also functions as a touchdown space, breakout space and waiting space. In this way, we can fully utilized the whole area.
Collaboration is a key to producing an innovative idea. Therefore it is important to design a space that supports and enhance collaboration.
The trend tomorrow is ever changing. Therefore it is unpredictable. It is because of that, we need to create a space that is organic, flexible, sustainable.
Technology is one of the key in shaping the workplace today. Therefore it is important to create a space that is technology enabled.
This slide shows the conceptual mood board for the lobby space
This slide shows the zoning of space that is similar to the original layout. Waiting Area An organic entrance into the reception area using carpets, lighting and organically shaped ottoman. Open Meeting Area An area for brainstorming and collaborating for both group and solo worker. Touchdown and Lounge Area An area for visitor for quick working (checking emails etc) Breakout Area An area for quick break from meetings and seminar
Waiting Area Create an organic entrance into the reception area using carpets, lighting and organically shaped ottoman. Open Meeting Area Proposing furniture that is suitable for brainstorming (furniture that is spacious, comfortable(soft seating), with work surface,screening or smart board and power and data embedded) and collaborating (furniture suitable for group working, power, data and VGA embedded and with smart board) for both group and solo work. Carpets could be used to zone the area and to increase the acoustics. Touchdown & Lounge Area Furniture that is embedded with power and data for mobile workers / visitors to have a quick working (checking emails etc). Breakout Area A standing bar height table for the participants to have a quick break. Proposing furniture that is light, flexible and stack-able so that spaces can be cleared up for future events.
The previous distribution of space is challenged where the reception, open meeting area and touchdown and lounge space are relocated. Reception A reception serves as the "gate" to every offices. In this layout, we have moved the reception desk nearer to the entrance so that it will be the first point of contact for every visitor entering the premises. Other services will be much more noticeable once they pass through the "gate". Low, table height reception desk like a hotel concierge to creating a more welcoming and approachable reception. Tech bar A tech-bar fully utilizing the wall with power and data embedded. Touchdown+Lounge Area and Open Meeting Area The location of these 2 areas are challenged in this layout. The open meeting area is moved to a more private area(beside the exhibition area) to create a semi-open meeting space exclusive for the company's employee. This space is then used to house touchdown + lounge area so that it is more accessible for visitors.
Reception and Waiting Area. Using organically shaped furniture to create a non linear path. Touchdown + Lounge Area A space that is suitable for both group and solo work with power and data embedded. Open Meeting A space that is suitable for group and solo collaboration and brainstorming activities with power, data and screening embedded
Professional Works - A Proposal for an Electronics Company in Singapore

This is a conceptual proposal for electronic company in Singapore to create fully utilize lobby space.

Sheilly Tan
Workplace Strategy Support Singapore, Singapore