Little Jay - "Little j" is a Western Scrub-Jay that helps teach kids about Science. He lives at the Presidio Native Plant Nursery in the Golden Gate National Park (by the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco). Here he's ready to explore and sits in California Native Plants watching their seeds go bye.
Teaching science - Little Jay is showing kids the different tools and things they can use while exploring the garden.
Explore - Explore the world around you.
Observation - Plants posses amazing adaptations and features worth looking at up close.
Bird Dispersed - Seeds travel and disperse in many different ways.
Water Dispersed
Wind Dispersed
Animal Dispersed
First Draft Scientist - Originally I had Little Jay looking the part of a typical scientist in the lab. Then I showed the work to others and came to realize the image would have a better impact on the kids if he used the same tools they used.
Petal Pusher Book
Shane Koehler
Illustrator/ Environmental Educator Portland, OR