Drive Thru

For this project I had to choose a brand that didn't exist in the restaurant/drive thru industry and do in-depth research into the company. Learning about the companies grounds, products, and promise; and then take these findings and create an establishment that reflects who the company is. This project I chose neuro, which currently sells low calorie, healthily, infused with vitamins and mineral drinks. There target market is the modern day consumer both male and female in the age range of 20 to 35. The design intent of the building was to design an innovative and distinctive identity, that can be connected to the iconic brand neuro identifies themselves as. Creating a user friendly environment, where not only services customers, but also brings together the community for their events aimed at helping others. Neuro is a brand that thinks differently when it comes to its products and this is reflected in the design intent of their restaurant.

Freelance, Full-time
Shane Carey
Interior Architect Los Angeles, CA