Original Client Logo
Final Logo
Final Logo - Reversed
Original Concept
Original Concept with Product Name
Original Concept Reversed
Original Concept with Product Name

Apollo Logo Redesign

Client Brief:
Apollo, through One Foot Over, requested an update to their existing logo, aiming to preserve key design elements that represent their history.

The original logo worked well at a large scale, but the text became illegible when scaled down, making it difficult to identify the brand. Additionally, the client was considering updating their tagline, which needed to be factored into the redesign.

My goal was to enhance the logo's legibility while retaining the elements that are important to Apollo's identity while also allowing them to scale their branding with their product/service line.

Developed a distinctive and versatile logo and identity that ensures scalability, accommodating the addition of new products and services.

This project was completed in collaboration with One Foot Over.

Freelance, Full-time
Mary Shamburger
UX, Product, and Visual Designer Houston, TX