The Inchworm Bench is a fun, playful modular seating which is constructed of units that are connected to each other using a general pivot system. This mechanism allows the seating to expand and contract and also each unit can be rotated to form a vast variety of seating configurations desired by the user. The bench suits both indoor public spaces such as shopping malls, convention centre, gallery or office lounges and outdoor context like parks, playground or university campus.

Fun and playful seating arrangement.

Seating arrangement of the bench to cater for 3 separate groups.

Join 2 or 3 units together to provide more comfort when sitting.

Ideally the bench is to be materialised in rotomoulded plastic, however the prototype is made out of PVC pressure pipes and fittings to represent the form of the concept.

Gluing together the pieces for the pivot system.

The engineer testing the mechanism to ensure that it works.

After just an hour out from the oven waiting to be picked up and assembled.

Assembling of the pivot parts.

Making a groove on the aluminium tube to fit the circlip for the pivot.

Black acrylic disks glued onto the bottom. Felt pads will be adhered later for protection.

Neoprene sponge have been wrapped around and glued to the seating tubes to soften the hard surface

Velcro-ing the vinyl around the sponge.
Tucking in the excess flaps on each end underneath the sponge.