"Esta Noche" India Ink and Pencil on Arches and Canford 51.5cm x 34.35cm 2017 The first of three pieces is inspired by the song "Esta Noche" which means Tonight and the song tells the story of one who has gone on a drinking binge and is not going to stop until he passes out. At the moment of designing the original art work it was intended to be part of the booklet of the CD and subsequently designed in the shape of a square. Here I was able to add more depth to it by adding a circle to the square and placing the whole design inside a torus with swimming box jelly fish in the background. The design stays true to the original maintaining the great pyramids proportions of 7 to 11 in the shadows of the doors and show the protagonist passing from being clear headed to fading into shadow post consumption.
Love in a Modern World 34.35 cm x 51.5 cm India and Pine Sot Ink with Dip Pen, Hand Crafted Coffee and Onion Skin Wash, Colored Pencil and Gold Pen. Taking the original art work from this project inspired by La Victoria de Marianas music to the next level. This piece is the second of three and is based on the song "Otra Vez" which means again and it explores love, relationships and the difficulties in communication being so close some times and yet so far away. I chose to set it in a modern/ futuristic backdrop of decaying infrastructure, pollution and risen sea levels, in the remnants of a society that has failed.
Stairwell India Ink, Sumi Ink, Pencil, Silver Pen on Arches 51.5cm x 34.35cm 2017 The third and last piece of this triptych represents beings coming free of their cell existence, a transformation from one closed physical and mental state to an open and free one. The underlying idea behind this work is that the stairwell to a higher learning is built one rung at a time.
Cover art for the single "Otra Vez" by La Victoria de Mariana 2015 Check them out on ITunes! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/otra-vez/id1029991889?i=1029991938
"Esta Noche" 5" x 5" Pen and Graphite on Paper 2015 Original Atrwork
"Otra Vez" 5" x 5" Pen and Pencil 2015 Original artwork
On My Own 5" x 5" Pen And Graphite on Paper 2015 Original artwork
Album Art / La Victoria de Mariana, Ruidos Necesarios

In June 2017 I picked up this project once again, originally commenced and finished in 2015, to redesign this work with much more detail, moved from small format to medium format and enriched the whole work with color and life. Here are the results, finished in August 2017. The work consisted of art inspired by the music from the album Ruidos Necesarios by La Victoria de Mariana from San Juan, Puerto Rico. The triptych is on Hot Pressed Canson Arches 180g Paper with India Ink, Sumi Ink, home made coffee an glue ink and Silver/Gold Pen detail. Upon completion I photographed each piece, retouched and uploaded to this site.

Originally each drawing was inspired by the song that preceded it and beared identical names: Esta Noche, On My Own and Otra Vez. You can view and hear their music online at:


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Sat Gur Prasad...
Artist / Photographer London, United Kingdom