nuptial dance - public education sequence on the theme of pheromones for the Swiss National Exhibition (Expo 02_Arteplage d'Yverdon , "Premiers Regards")
nuptial dance - public education sequence on the theme of pheromones for the Swiss National Exhibition (Expo 02_Arteplage d'Yverdon , "Premiers Regards")
nuptial dance - public education sequence on the theme of pheromones for the Swiss National Exhibition (Expo 02_Arteplage d'Yverdon , "Premiers Regards")
L'Aventure de l'Homme Mobile (affiche) - Short animated film, comission work, 7min, beta, 2001
Dollar Tobin FMI Nasdaq and others - Documentary of O.Zuchuat
With animated sequences by S.Leibundgut
Dollar Tobin FMI Nasdaq and others - Documentary by O.Zuchuat
with animated sequences by S.Leibundgut
Dollar Tobin FMI Nasdaq and others - Documentary by O.Zuchuat
with animated sequences by S.Leibundgut
Dollar Tobin FMI Nasdaq and others - Documentary by O.Zuchuat
with animated sequences by S.Leibundgut
La Defoule (affiche) - Short Animation Film, 2min, 16 mm, 1995
La defoule - Animation film
La defoule - Animation film
Le temps d'une fugue (affiche) - Short Animated Film, 3 min, 16 mm, 3min, 1998