
By drawing inspiration from the design language and philosophy of Dyson, a family of bathroom products was born. Due to the high percentage of consistent, Monday-Friday morning routines seen among males, the design team chose to target men and the way in which their morning routine can be improved to better suit the “every minute counts” mind frame. Dyson’s design philosophy always includes the user, and the company is always trying to simplify common, everyday tasks. Myself and my design collaborator, Griffin Mullins, applied this directly to Dysonbath. Each product in the Dysonbath family either eliminates or simplifies a step in the target’s morning routine, saving the user a few precious minutes every day to spend with family, have a cup of coffee, or just relax. For larger, higher quality images of DysonBath, head over to Enjoy!

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Seth Cranford
Industrial and humanitarian designer looking for my next great opportunity! Charlotte, NC