EXPLORER / BEON E2 (E-Bike) / 2017 EXPLORER / BEON E2 (E-Bike) / 2017 from Carlos Serra EXPLORER / BEON E2 (E-Bike) / 2017 BEON E2 / E-Bike (Argentina 2017) BEON E2 / E-Bike / Chassis: Design and development of "compact frame" and accessories BEON E2 / E-Bike / Prototype BEON E2 / E-Bike / Prototype BEON E2 / E-Bike / Assembly BEON E2 / E-Bike BEON E2 / E-Bike / Expobici 2017 La Rural Bs.As Argentina BEON E2 / E-Bike / Brand Customized BEON E2 / E-Bike BEON E2 / E-Bike gLike EXPLORER / BEON E2 (E-Bike) / 2017 Product Design Industrial Design Transportation Bicycle Engineering Share R 7 n Carlos Serra INDUSTRIAL DESIGNER Córdoba, Argentina Follow Contact