Traditional-Life Drawing and Anatomy Traditional-Life Drawing and Anatomy from Sergio Lepore Traditional-Life Drawing and Anatomy Graduate work. (with one figure drawing of woman done afterwards) pastels on tinted paper torso torso muscles - I used color pencils on mylar for this one torso angle shoulder muscles - color pencils on mylar torso angle muscles - color pencils on mylar arm arm muscles - color pencils on mylar shoulder abdomen - color pencils on mylar head profile head profile muscles - color pencils on mylar head and scull hands and hand muscles - color pencils on mylar knee area and bones leg - pastels upper leg - pastels arm - pastels eye - pastels calcaneus gLike Traditional-Life Drawing and Anatomy Graduate work. (with one figure drawing of woman done afterwards) Illustrator Illustration Share R 7 n Available Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting Sergio Lepore traditional and digital artist Tempe, AZ Follow Contact