project 4 quote poster - I chose to use a quote by Dr. Seuss that i felt reflected my life this is also one of my first attempts at creative typographical imagery
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Project 3 font advertisment - This is an exploration into the font Lucida i was inspired by the computers blue screen of death effect when i found out that the computer uses this font in that event
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project 5 accordian booklet - In this piece i further my use of type to illustrate imagery by using a specific typeface to appear as a mouse or blood red i also used letters to create the glasses
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27th letter project - this project was an attempt to add a letter to the alphabet namely the "yi" and it makes the sound of the sometimes y sound
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Font analysis project - This is an attempt of appreciation of the font poor richard and its uses and font sizes
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typography designs
Andrew Provencher
Digital Artist/3d Animator currently seeking employment toledo, OH