"Torax" Cycling vehicle for legs disabled
"Torax" Cycling vehicle for legs disabled
"Torax" Cycling vehicle for legs disabled
"Torax" Cycling vehicle for legs disabled
"Torax" Cycling vehicle for legs disabled
"Torax" Cycling vehicle for legs disabled

This was my work of disertation of the career Industrial Design at University of Buenos Aires. The task was: Sports and disability and my choice was Cycling. The product was developed optimizing position and movements specifically for legs disabled. We defined the vehicle as recreative. It is not intended as a permanetn replacement for the wheelchair. Its function is different. It is ideal for cycling, riding and training. Our main idea was to simplify use and to show off the driver making him look as dominant and powerful. The concept idea incorporates super heros and soprt vehicles in wich user applies muscular work and takes a control and superior position.
Right now we are working on a second version simplifying systems, trying to achieve a complexity similar to a bicycle. This way the resulting product will be ready for production and to be sold at a reasonable cost.

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Freelance, Full-time
Indalecio Sabbioni
Diseñador Industrial - "Sentidos design" Saladillo, Buenos Aires, Argentina