Childhood Obesity - Growing up is exciting. Children measure themselves against a door frame in the excitement of growing up. Children who have a weight problem measure themselves next to their peers and how they grow out comparatively.
Midsummer Nights Dream
Swan Lake
Madam Butterfly
Little Black Dress
The Shakespeare Festival - Kilgore College has a Shakespeare Festival every year that attracts national attention.
Curves - A nuitrition and health ad for Curves. A womans only gym that helps woman with keeping fit and in shape. A napkin ring with napkin creates the perfect curve that woman strive to create for themselves.
Hyper Dog - "You ask for the moon." "You got it." Hyper dog is a toy product for dogs who can go the distance (literally) when it comes to catching their beloved ball.
Art Direction
Cathy Watts
Art Director / Graphic Designer New York, NY