The Lost Suitcase - Book cover 1999
A Thousand Moons Over a Thousand Rivers - Selected for AIGA "50 Books & 50 Covers" 2000
Serendipities - Selected for AIGA "50 Books & 50 Covers" 1999
Food Is Culture - 2006
Rivalry - Selected by New York Book Show 2007
South Street - Selected by International Center for Photography as one of the best photography books 2007; NY Book Show 2007
The Devil's Cloth - Selected by the AAUP Annual Book Design Competition 2001
Women as Weapons of War - 2006
Islamic Architecture - 2000
Keeping the Other Out - 2007
Slow Food - 2001
Intimacies - 2007
The Fire - Book cover 2006
Useless Arithmetic - Book Cover, 2005
book covers
Linda Secondari
Creative Director New York, NY