The Best Kind of Gutair Hero - I came across this pic and could not resist, I host Sexy women with a Guitar Hero Controller I was set on doing it and I had a lot of fund making it as well. Please tell me what you think of it and what or who you would like me to vector next.
Punk Lass with Ass - The pic had to be punk and use certain colors. I figured out a few things in doing this pic and now I am back into my vectors more than ever know.
Punk Vector - I am very proud of this vector, I worked on it for about 10 hours. Also she is so very sexy HOT!!!
Sexy Mesmerizing Lulu - Here it is the fourth in the Final Fantasy Vectors of my fav. characters. I really was tired and couldn't think of anything better for the background. I might revise it sometime but today is not that time. LOL And for GODSAKES ! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Asian Beauty - Just one of the vectors I have been doing for practice.
Sexy Back - This is another vector of just a pic I found online hope someone enjoys it.
Vector of Beezadelica - Another vector, This is a good one I like it a lot and a learned a lot by doing it also.
I'm Going out of My Mind! - Cherry ! I' m going out of my mind ! Tis the season to go CRAZY ! I took a lot of time this vector took about 1600 Layers in Photoshop to make all of those layers are the inked tattoos but OH was it worth it I think it looks great.
Those Lips... - ....Style is the name.
Vecter Art
Sean Willet
Graphic Artiste Ardmore, OK