Emergency release procedure
Spine relieving load lifter system. Transfers weight of armor and equipment onto hips.
Concealable body armor vest (worn under clothing)
Concealed vest can be inserted into external carrier (worn outside of clothing, can hold ammunition and equipment).
Early external carrier concept.
Load lifter attached to vest / harness.
Load lifter inserted into belt.
Assembled vest with load lifters, protective collar, deltoids, side panels, and belt.
Improved and miniaturized load lifter model.
Pass-cores used to create a channel without undercuts.
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Soldier Protection System

In 2013 I spent my summer working on a submission for the Soldier Protection System, the replacement for the Improved Outer Tactical Vest. It fully tested my design, mechanical engineering and ballistic skills. Although my submission was not selected, individual components were added to the Crye Adaptive Vest System.

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Freelance, Full-time
Sean Gordon
Industrial Designer, Crye Precision Brooklyn, NY