Handle to operate the mechanism located on the side of the casing, activated by the user pushing the handle away before pulling back to release the orb.

Internal slide to dispense task orbs to the external receiver.

Hopper system allows for each batch of sessions to be displayed and subsequently released in the decided order.

LED countdown bar to indicate remaining session time.

External receiver features an RFID antenna, detecting the tag in each orb and identifying the task to be started.

In-context Image

Functional model constructed from laser cut MDF, an Arduino Uno was used to simulate the pomodoro timer, where it was programmed to illuminate all LEDs before incrementally switching each one off.

The functional model featured the main mechanism allowing for the task orbs to be manually dispensed, allowing each subsequent orb to fall through to the receiver when required by the user.

Banner that I designed for the end of year Degree Show using Adobe Illustrator, which was presented to alumni from the course, as well as friends and family.