Modeling Practices
1.Analyse the volume that the bottle can hold, measure the mass of the plastic, and surface area. Create a relation analysis feature for the volume. Find a set of design parameters in accordance with your design that result in X litre internal volume ( +- 1cm3). Create UDA to measure the bottle cross section along the vertical axis (field points) from bottom up to H level of height
2. Perform sensitivity analysis on selected parameters of the bicycle frame in order to identify how the location of the COG is affected. Show graph.
3.Create a simplified model of a mannequin according to the customer age/height. Modify the model in order to adjust the height to the potential customer age. Evaluate the mass of the mannequin.
4.Assemble the mannequin with the bicycle using mechanism design connections. Test the model. Perform kinematic analysis. Perform feasibility design study to determine the exact values of the parameters that result in mid-plane location of the COG.