The Courts — Before Redesign - I lived here once and just had to redo their logo and signage. It was a beautiful place but it definitely needed a design makeover.
The Courts — After Redesign: Front Awning - The previous logo reminded me of Cheers too much, I felt like I was coming home to a bar every day. It was a beautiful brick building with a quiet, tree-filled court yard and I wanted their logo and signage to say that. So I gave them a nice black arched awning with wrought iron-work, and a much more fitting logo.
The Courts — After Redesign: Additional Signage - I continued the elegant wrought iron into the signage for each building (A, B & C), and then used similar shapes for the indoor directional signage, using the clean black and white theme.
The Courts Apartments Logo - I lived here once and just had to redo their logo because it reminded me of Cheers too much. I felt like I was coming home to a bar every day. It was a beautiful brick building with a quiet, tree-filled court yard and I wanted their logo to say that.
Environmental Signage Redesign
Sara (DeMarco) Dalton
Graphic Designer Philadelphia, PA