Davison Home - Publication book done for the Davison Home in Texas City, TX.
Davison Home - Inside spread
Davison Home - Inside spread
Japanese Books - Bookbinding project that contains four books
Japanese Books - Inside view of the box that contained the books
Japanese Books - Closer view
Japanese Books - Inside without books
Japanese Books - The four books that show off the different types of Japanese stab-binding
Japanese Books - Second view
Capstone - Front cover for a project that critiqued the packaging, counter display, and websites of lip balm.
Capstone - Contents page of Capstone project
Capstone - Page that critiqued the lip balm packaging
Process Book - A process book that contains five projects that I created and shows the creative process of each project.
Process Book - Spread of one project
Brand Identity - A book dedicated to the non-profit organization, Witness. It contains the re-branding of their logo, the improper uses of the logo, stationery, etc.
Brand Identity - Inside page
Brand Identity - Inside page
Sarah Cain
Graphic Designer Austin, TX