Remakes - The originals of these logos were posted on by the original artists. These are just copies made of their work using adobe illustrator.
Remakes - The originals of these logos were posted on by the original artists. These are just copies made of their work using adobe illustrator.
Remakes - The originals of these logos were posted on by the original artists. These are just copies made of their work using adobe illustrator.
Remakes - The originals of these logos were posted on by the original artists. These are just copies made of their work using adobe illustrator.
Remakes - The originals of these logos were posted on by the original artists. These are just copies made of their work using adobe illustrator.
Remakes - The originals of these logos were posted on by the original artists. These are just copies made of their work using adobe illustrator.
Remakes - Remakes of logos from LOGOPOND. Refer to logo pond for the artists original work.
Remakes - Remakes of logos from LOGOPOND. Refer to logo pond for the artists original work.
Remakes - Refer to for artists original work.
The StranGers
Production Process
Green Homes - Mock advertisement for a fake home developer/real estate agency.
VC100_Week5_Exercise1.jpg - Old time Bankers desk. Using all elements learned in class so far.
Character Modeling - Sample User Interface design as well as created texture art.
Other Work
Daniel Christensen
Daniel M Christensen Riverton, UT