Union Bench - This bench was made to reflect the relationship between industry and nature. In the same way a person will rest on the piece and need support, the plywood depends on the natural wood. It is made from bent Birch, Black Walnut, and Steel.
Connection Coffee Table - This coffee relies on how its parts fit together in order to stay together. Two wood wedges penetrate the concrete base, pass through a T shaped piece of wood, and hold the tabletop secure to the base. The tabletop itself is held together by overemphasized traditional joinery.
Skewed Chair - This chair was designed to emphasize a moment in time. A point of either coming together or falling apart. No two planes are perpindicular, initially making people nervous to sit. Though once seated comfort is found in that moment of uncertainty.
Landscape Architecture Bookshelf - The Bookshelf was designed to represent the type of books it would hold.
Bookshelf for Zen Poems - Designed to show a relationship of balance between nature and industry; reference time and change; and support.