Combination 3d CGI, on location digital photography, 2d photoshop enhancements and details. I was responsible for the Photography and Photoshop work.
Alternate view. B-roll photography while on roof of photo-shoot location
3d Illustration, with photo illustration, including in studio Photography with live model photo-shoots for Lifestyle people within illustration.
2d Photo Illustration on top of 3d rendering to enhance reflections, and realism details.
Interior design pro-bono law office wall art redesign. New York City panoramic photograph is also mine. Logo redesign.
Architectural Communications

Architectural Rendering Photography and 2d and 3d design work, for a Southern California architectural communications company, touted as tallest residential high-rise west of the Mississippi. Also including other examples of 2d Photo Rendering and Photo Illustration from same company.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Scott Solberg
Senior Designer & Art Director at Eventive Marketing New York, NY