Pastry Points

I set up a spreadsheet to analyze the optimal amount of baked goods left at the end of the day.
Pastry Points are something I created to highlight pastry sales goals. Optimally, we have one of each pastry at the end of the day. The point system I created provides a measurement for that. The goal of the point system is 0 points. If a day has 0 points, that means we had one of each pastry at close. A penalty point is given for every additional item left in the case and for every item that sold out.
For example, if at the end of the day we had 0 croissant and 0 scones, that day had a total of 2 pastry points. If at the end of the day we have 6 croissants and nothing else, then that day has a total of 5 points. If we have 1 scone and 1 croissant, that day has 0 points. Using this system, we were able to track the importance of making sure that customers would not come in to a store that had too few pastries left. Please note, these numbers are fake so as not to inform on current sales.