Placement Portfolio Cover - Design overview
MINI 1L Oil bottle - The design brief was to design a complimentary one litre oil bottle to be presented with sales of the new MINI. The bottle must speak of the MINI brand and be sympathetic to the styling and DNA of the MINI's body. The design should respect all that the car stands for.
form exploration
MINI 1L Oil bottle concepts
Evidence Board Mini Oil Bottle - Justification of the design concept
Concept 1L Oil Bottles for MINI - "Design a 1L oil bottle in the Brand style of MINI" Concept page
A Handheld meal planner - "Design and create a model of a handheld product with the capability to generate revenue from online downloads" I designed the dietPAD for consumers to change the way they think about food, to revolutionise the diets of millions. Consumers will find themselves delving into new adventurous food from around the world and logging their food intake. They can reduce food wastage by generating dishes from food in the cupboard and they can even set weight targets and monitor their progress.
Point of Sale Display - The Listerine brand relies too much on the Brand name and the colour of their product. Not much else communicates its purpose and the word mouthwash is the 13th word on the label! With new colours being phased into production Listerine would therefore hugely benefit from a dumpbin display that communicates the products purpose and catches the attention of consumers. A 3D tooth dumpbin is not only eye catching but communicative of the brand product too.
The redesign consists of four flat pack pieces that slip over the dumpbin and provide a 3d display. The product is easy to assemble, cheap to manufacture, cheap to produce, eco-friendly and bold. It is likely to effectively entice customers to the product.
2nd year University work
Scott Allen
Loughborough/Turin, United Kingdom