Root & Ramble apparel brand: creative direction, typography and design.
Aquaponics Association logo redesign (right). Client required the use of fish and plant icons and blue-and-green coloration. Creative direction, illustration, design.
Design exploration for motorcycle sales company; bottom right logo was chosen. Applications include business cards, letterhead, t-shirts, key chains, magnets and stickers. Creative direction, typography and design.
Logo study for agricultural business. A satisfying part of brand work is creating an identity that conveys the ethos of a company.
Conference logos designed for use on printed programs, ads, social media, t-shirts, banners, canvas tote bags and key chains. Creative direction, art direction, illustration and design.
Rebranding for custom embroidery and screen printing company. Creative direction, layout and design.
Educational farming course brand identity. Client required the use of blue and green in the logo design. Creative direction, illustration, design.
Logos for 18-product retail line of aquaculture equipment and supplies. Client required the use of blue and green in the designs. Creative direction, art direction, brand identity, illustration and design.
GrowGrip, a new reusable plant holder designed for hydroponic and aquaponic systems. Art direction, brand identity, design.
Christine Schup
Graphic Designer Fredericksburg, VA