Cook County Bureau of Health Services - During the Fall and Winter of 2007, I worked with a team of three other designers and one anthropologist, with the help of a $50,000 Sappi Grant, to redesign the patient billing system for the Cook County Bureau of Health Services.
Broken Gold DJs - Postcard for a monthly DJ series at the Liar's Club in Chicago.
Chick Habit DJs - Chick Habit DJs is a monthly DJ series of all-female bubblegum music held at the Cobra Lounge in Chicago. I decided to focus on the playful aspect of the music to create this logo. The geometric portraits in the logo symbolize all three of the DJs and the color palette invokes the vibrant packaging on the albums of the bubblegum girl-groups of the 1960s.
Johnny + The Limelites - Set of pins designed for punk rock '50s prom band, Johnny + The Limelites.
Pumps press kit - Over time, I have discovered that the projects I get the most out of are the ones that use a more hands-on approach. I love drawing, cutting, scanning and pasting things together to create visually interesting pieces. The Pumps are a 5-piece rock band from Chicago with four female members. I decided to do a simple line drawing of a girl playing a guitar for this piece and pair it with hand-drawn typography and vibrant colors.
Makeup by Lauria - Business card design.
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Brian Costello resume
Sara Bassick
MFA-degreed designer Chicago, IL