13.1 Miles - This is a still from my award winning 13.1 Miles animatic. The full piece is around 5 minutes long and details my experience in running a half marathon. I used color and typography to relay what and how I was feeling throughout the experience. I used Macromedia Freehand for the illustration, Macromedia Flash to bring all of the elements together, and Soundforge to edit the audio. www.ideasfest.org
Tri-fold Brochure / Invitation - This piece was used as an announcement for the 2nd Annual New York Technology Seminar and Detention Exposition. Inside potential attendees will find a schedule of events, topics to be covered, the location of the seminar, and information for guests looking for overnight accommodations. For those that are interested in attending, a form is located on the inside cover that can be faxed back. Along with the printed piece, a companion website was also designed. Additional information, forms, and pictures can be found on the site. www.integrator.com/technologyseminar
The Water Cycle - This piece is an interactive lesson on the water cycle for 5th grade students. The lesson follows the Indiana State Science standards. The images were created with a mix of Photoshop, FreeHand, and Flash. The project is Flash based and delivered over the web.
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Indiana DVD - This project is a DVD presentation for the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Indiana. The goal of our presentation was for it to be used as an ice-breaker for the presenter by highlighting the program and letting viewers know how they can help. The DVD highlights five children from across Indiana to illustrate how and where the viewers’ donation can help.
Icons! - These icons are a set of icons and images used for a product release. They were used in the documentation and part of the compiled code.
Audio Buttons - Buttons for an audio interface.
Time Zones
CCTV Control Interface - User interface for an IP to serial on-screen cctv controller
Jason Satkoski
Media Development Carmel, IN