Slender, 2014 I chose to heavily edit these photos, enhance motion blur, blend colors, add burned layers and layer masks, and make my own title so that people can see different sides of slender man. The first is the unknown side--no one really knows what he does, so his arms are blurred, enhancing to his quickness. The back cover reveals his intentions with a blood red background and slender man projected. The multi-motion, covered with a layer of red, shows the faceless victim, baffled and afraid. These affects add to the horror and distant, mythological story that goes with Slender man.
Original Camera settings: ISO 400 f 5.6 Shutter speed: 1.5s
Camera Settings: ISO 800 F 5.6 Shutter speed 1/60
Camera Settings: ISO 100 F 4.0 Shutter Speed: 1/200
Camera Settings: ISO 100 F 4.0 Shutter Speed: 1/200
Camera Settings: ISO 100 F 4.0 Shutter Speed: 1/200
Game Cover

With this game cover, I envisioned a design that would strike fear in every person who has played the Slender game before. I wanted to create something that people will look at and say "wow--that's frightening!" The front cover says it all: Slender man's confusing appearance is amplified through the use of motion blur. On the back cover, his motives are depicted through the use of projection and multi-motion, where his bewildered victim is transformed and the blood red background shows his murderous intentions.