"Action Man"
Car Designer
"True Love"
True Love.
"Happily Ever After"
"The Tooth Fairy"
The Tooth Fairy.
"My Nan"
"My cat Rocky"
"The NAN"
"My Nan"
"My 7yr old self"
"Climbing Trees"
Climbing trees.
"Summers on the farm + Dance shows"
"2 GF's"
"Snail Cake"
"Being a Bridesmaid"
Being a Bridesmaid.
"Birth of baby Brother"
Birth of baby Brother.
"When my brother had a butterfly in his wellie"
When my brother had a butterfly in his wellie.
"Winning my first medel"
"Dead hamster"
"Brother scwashed a bug in my bed"
"Punching BULLY"
"Pushing my sister off a bunkbed!"
"When my brother pulled my pants down in public"
"The Pooch"
"When I was in St. Josephs primary school"
"Leaving my Best Friend"
Leaving my best Friend.
"SAM My Cuddly Dog"
"My little red table!"
My little red table.
"My doll Amy"
"Dog's Death"
"My teddy called Snowy!"
"My Immagination (I cant spell)"
The Passing of Time

The project "The Passing of Time" was my AS-Level Exam work. I had based my project on mainly a studio shoot, photographing a few of my friends posing with a whiteboard that showed their answer to six different questions based on their childhood then my own depiction of their answers.

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Sarah Gilroy
Miss. S. Gilroy Swansea, United Kingdom