Final Homecoming - Shuttle Discovery, Photoshop
M6 Bradley Linebacker, Photoshop
M163A1 Vulcan Air Defense System, Photoshop
Steam boat activity - Pen & ink sketch of exhibit
Civil War Object Theater - hand sketch of a possible Civil War exhibit
Form Z rendering of an Everglades exhibit
TSO Logo - I was asked by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra through their management and guitarist Chris Caffery to come up with a logo.
Sleeve for T-shirt
Coral reef poster - I created this poster for our aquarium from scratch using Illustrator and Photoshop. The poster is 96 inches long and 18 inches high, at 300 DPI.
Part of a pollution panel
Glencar Waterfall, Ireland
Traditional painting of Innishfree, Ireland
How to install parts of a trawler's bow pulpit
Touch tank concept sketch - A sketch of a touch tank concept using Graphite, Illustrator and Photoshop.
Rendering of a two person sub
Concept of a coral reef
RL-10 rocket engine panel
Party invitation - This is a Photoshop rendering for a scary Halloween party!
B-9 Robot Illustration - Unused illustration of B-9 robot from "Lost In Space".
Robby The Robot - Unused illustration of Robby The Robot from "Forbidden Planet".
Sample image of graphics panel.
Sample image of graphics panel.
Lincoln Experience - Exhibit concept rendering for a gallery about Abraham Lincoln. Photoshop & SketchUp
Lincoln Experience - Exhibit concept rendering for a gallery about Abraham Lincoln. Photoshop & SketchUp
Lincoln/Douglas Debate Map Concept - Exhibit concept rendering for a gallery about Abraham Lincoln. Photoshop & SketchUp
Lincoln Study - Exhibit concept rendering for a gallery about Abraham Lincoln. Photoshop & SketchUp
Fort Mandan exhibit concept - Sketch using SketchUp & Photoshop
Lewis & Clark Fort Mandan concept - Exhibit concept using SketchUp & Photoshop
SketchUp Sign concept - Concept for outdoor interpretive panel
Dekelboum Planetarium entrance sign - Form-Z rendering of a TV cabinet & illuminated sign
Renderings, Illustrations & Sketches

A number of drawings from various projects such as the South Florida Science Museum, Jacksonport, Lewis & Clark and Lincoln Museum.

Carlos Santos
Curator of Exhibits Cheyenne, WY