Vector GPS Navigation - A GPS Navigation is mainly designed for the distance and direction. But, the displayed information is hard to understand. Particularly, older drivers, bad sight drivers, and female drivers have hard time to get the information.
This GPS Navigation is easier to understand the distance and direction by the arrow at the front. Lighted by LEDs, the arrow is displayed on the frame of LCD. The length of the arrow shows the distance. And it also informs the moment you turn left or right.
Vector GPS Navigation - A GPS Navigation is mainly designed for the distance and direction. But, the displayed information is hard to understand. Particularly, older drivers, bad sight drivers, and female drivers have hard time to get the information.
This GPS Navigation is easier to understand the distance and direction by the arrow at the front. Lighted by LEDs, the arrow is displayed on the frame of LCD. The length of the arrow shows the distance. And it also informs the moment you turn left or right.