This is a residential unit project for deaf-blind people training and rehabilitation centres. I aimed my project at solving several major household problems that deaf-blind people are faced with in everyday life: there is no precise, structured item storage system, and they have to search for and shift many different items to find the one they need; it is also difficult for them to find their way around in the living environment, to locate the bed, the desk, the wardrobe and other necessary items which deaf-blind people use every day. In order to solve these problems I decided to introduce a clear division into three main areas: resting area, working area and storage area. All these areas are located within one structure – the residential unit, which has clear structure and in which deaf-blind people will find their way around easily and quickly find items they need, because everything is located in one structure and each item has ‘its own place’.
Working area is located in the end part of the unit. It is equipped with a working place, a shelf (for example, for books), lighting (inclusive design) and a folding cabinet.
Resting area, located in the centre of the unit, consists of: a bed-place, which can be transformed to fit different needs; several shelves – small ones along the bed-place and large ones above the head and the feet; lighting system (for sighted people) and climate control system.
Storage area is located on the side part of the unit and is divided into 2 main sections – one for storing personal items (clothing, underwear, headwear etc.) and another one for storing bedclothes, towels and other hygiene-related items. The bottom part of the wardrobe has room for a dirty laundry basket.
Each area is marked in Braille and has special shape and texture for easier orientation, because over 80% of interactions of a deaf-blind person with an object goes through tactile sensations. The residential unit has inclusive design, thus it can be used by different groups of people in their everyday life.
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Residential unit for deaf-blind people

The residential unit project for deaf-blind people training and rehabilitation centers. An awardee of 2015 ‘6th sense’ contest in ‘Personal space organization’ category.

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Sanal Galushkin
Industrial and concept designer Санкт-Петербург, Russia