GEOhouse - Concept Drawings - Team excercise for Geodesics Unlimited Design Team: Sheridan Renshaw, Jasmine Mills and myself
GEOhouse - Concept Drawings - Team excercise for Geodesics Unlimited Design Team: Sheridan Renshaw, Jasmine Mills and myself
GEOhouse - Concept Drawings - Team excercise for Geodesics Unlimited Design Team: Sheridan Renshaw, Jasmine Mills and myself
GEOhouse - Concept Drawings - Team excercise for Geodesics Unlimited Design Team: Sheridan Renshaw, Jasmine Mills and myself
Concept Model - Realised concept from drawings. Zip-edged pads. Built and photographed by Sheridan Renshaw
Concept Model - Realised concept from drawings. Zip-edged pads. Built and photographed by Sheridan Renshaw
Concept Model - Realised concept from drawings. Zip-edged pads. Built and photographed by Sheridan Renshaw
GEOhouse - Team Project
Samuel Johnson
Spider-Sam + Design = Spidesign Billund, Denmark